Monday, February 2, 2009

34 Weeks

I went to the doctor today. I was told that my cervix is shortening and was put on complete bed rest and medication to stop any contractions. I was also told that Jason and I need to get out to California in case she decides to make an early entrance into the world.

Addison looks great. She is 5.5 lbs and looks really good. She is growing and practice breathing and moving around a lot. Right now, we are just waiting for the doctors from UCSF to talk with Dr. P here in Atlanta and let us know what the next steps are in regards to our travel out to SF. I will keep everyone posted.


Maxton's Mommy said...

You know, they haven't been checking my cervix or anything. I think they prolly should, huh? I go to the doctor on Wed. so I will mention that. I will be praying for you guys and hope that your travel to UCSF goes well.

Liz and Shane said...

We are praying that Addison stays inside and doesn't come early.
We are here for you if you need anything when you get to SF.

casau said...

praying that Addison stays inside and doesn't come early and a safe trip for you to UCSF. what part of ATL are you guys in?

Alex, Ingrid, Alina & Robbie Houchin said...

Hi Marion,
Do take the advice and do absolutely nothing. It might get boring at times(I felt like climbing up the walls), but the longer your baby stays inside the better her chances are. We are thinking about you.

All the best,
Ingrid, Alex & Alina

Fer said...

I'm praying that Addison stays inside longer.