I made these CDH crosses after Addison passed for CDH babies to hang in the isolets as they fight their battle and for parent's of CDH angels and survivors to hang on the Christmas tree either in remembrance of their angels or in celebration of their gift. Making these crosses is very therapeutic for me. It gives me an opportunity to honor my baby girl!
I have made another batch of the crosses and wanted to know if there is anyone who would like one for their CDH baby. If you would like one, please email me (marionacord@hotmail.com) the following:
Baby's full name
Birth Date and Death Date (if applicable)
Your name and full mailing address
I love the one you gave Nayeli. She has it her room.
Thank you
Hey Marion,
We'd love one. I'd love to put it on the Christmas tree in honor of Sylvia. Her name is Sylvia Judith Houselog. Her bd and dd are the same--February 26, 2009. She did have a life of 5 hours though:) 1:34pm-6:34pm. You know our address:) E-mail of FB me if you need more info!
Much love,
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