Monday, June 21, 2010

Parker Reese Foundation - Sponsor a Night 2010‏

Imagine caring for an entire family by simply buying and wearing a t-shirt. That's what "Sponsor a Night" is all about. Purchase your t-shirt today and wear it to show your support for families staying at Parker's House. Each t-shirt purchase shares one night with a family that calls the House, "Home."

It's a different year and that means a different design but with the same purpose. The Parker Reese Foundation has been providing free housing since May 2008. Help us help families diagnosed with congential diaphragmatic hernia by purchasing your shirt today!

Please purchase a t-shirts(s) at to help sponsor a night at Parker's House. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at

Help us continue our mission by buying a shirt. Thank you for your support.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 11th

Thursday, March 11th will be Addison's one year angelversary.  It is hard to believe that I have almost lived a year without my precious baby girl.  This time last year I was praying for a miracle to save my baby girl and this year, I am praying for continued healing and for God to show me the right path.

Addison changed my life for the better, and I know that I will be a better parent to little man because of the lessons that she taught me.  My hope for the future is that I can use this experience to impact people's lives in a positive manner and let them know that anything is possible through God.  My faith in God is the only thing that kept me going in the beginning. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday

I want to wish you a very happy birthday sweet angel.  It is hard to believe that a year has passed since you entered so briefly into my life.  I can still remember the fear and excitement that I felt awaiting your arrival.  I will always remember the first time I laid eyes on the most perfectly made little girl.  God truley let one of angels enter to earth of ra little while.  You had big plans for mommy and daddy.  You made us realize what is truely important in life and that no matter how bad things can possibly get God is there for you.  You made both both mommy and daddy much stronger and better people. 

I will always remember February 17th as the best day of my life when I received the most amazing gift that can be given.....I became a mom!!  My little angel....I want you to have the most amazing birthday in Heaven with your other angel friends and make sure to tell your Great Grand parents and your cousins to give you lots of love from mommy and daddy. 

Monday, January 18, 2010


I started a scrap book for Addiosn when I was pregant in hopes that I could write about how strong she was and her victorious battle over CDH.  Unfortunately,  that was not the plans that God had in store for her or us, so I had been debating on whether or not to finich the book.  Well, yesterday, I decided to go through all the pictures, cards, and papers and finish her scrapbook.  It was actually a very uplifting experience.  I was able go through all of her things with a level head and actually reflect on how amazing she was and how she changed our lives. 

I am really happpy with how it turned out and will share it with her little brother when he is old enough to understand.  I want him to know that he has an amazing big sister who is always watching over him.